We will help you build your blog traffic!

We have a set of different services that will help you with your blog.  They all build off helping you target and position yourself in front of your segment niche audience.  Everybody has a niche that will be most beneficial to spend the most time and energy focusing on getting in front of.  We have a set of tools that we use to help you focus in and build an ongoing marketing strategy.  For us it all starts with figuring out what your capabilities are as an individual professional and/or small business and then looking at a top-down perspective of who you want your clients to be, who it makes sense in general to go after as a group.  Then we look at some competitors and what they are doing.  Last but definitely of utmost importance we look at the bottom-up numbers of what psychographic niche segments actually do in their purchasing behaviors.  We work to figure out what other targetable groups these same segment niche purchasers fit into so that we can narrow in where to position your social media posts and blog posts and how to approach your SEO.

***CLICK HERE to checkout our Simple $130 Blog Post Offer where we turn a 5-10 minute YouTube Video of you talking about any topic in which you have expertise.***

We will take your video, extract the transcript, proof for words that the AI might have picked up improperly, and then we edit the formatting of the wording into a nice-looking blog which can also be your YouTube Description.  Our main goal is to then get your Blog Post posted on some of your social media by you and then we send it to the Virtual Assistants with whom we contract and have them work on off-page SEO and Social Media tasks to drive traffic to your social media and Blog Page.  We roll little bits of market research into the cost and end up splitting the $Money you pay between research and VA work until we find a good niche for you and then we spend the majority of the $Money you pay us out to the VA group and help you build from there.

***CLICK HERE for instructions on how to signup to use our FREE Contact Form and also how to setup a $8 WordPress on cPanel and also a $5 Rackspace Email with the same Domain Name.***

conditional logic url forward matrix form

I set the conditional logic in this matrix form https://apexlawservice.com/hire (just use the “matrix field” element in the builder) to forward on submit to https://apexlawservice.com unless the first two answers were “yes” and the third answer was “not yes”, in which case the form forwards to https://apexlawservice.com/more.  This was done to take a person not already
working with an Attorney directly to the page where they can leave a message for an Attorney, or to take a person  already working with an Attorney to a main information page so they can read information if they so choose.
This page is a folder named “hire” in the ApexLawService.com cPanel File Manager and I created a simple “index.html” file in the folder and in the file is simply the html code that DocupletionForms.com makes when you click the html option on the publish/share tab. You can use our contact form for FREE, and cPanel Hosting is just $20/mo on DocupletionForms.com.

Append Submission Data to URL Forward.

This is a great little article in general about how the GET method of form submission sends form submission data appended to the URL and our URL Forward option in the Confirmation Settings for a form gives you the option to “Append Submission Data to URL”.  The URL that you forward your user to can be a page with .PHP code that will do whatever you program that page to do with the appended data.  It is a best practice to forward only to Encrypted SSL Pages that start with an HTTPS:// rather than just an HTTP:// at the beginning of the web address.  The page on which the form is embedded does not necessarily need to be an HTTPS:// page, but it is always better to use an SSL.

QR Codes

Checkout the QR Code Utility for sharing your contact forms.  Simply make a form and then go to the embed or share segment of the form tab and click on the Download QR Code.  You can use a free QR Code Reader on any Android SmartPhone from: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teacapps.barcodescanner to use the QR Code below or a QR Code you create.  This is a QR Code for a tiny contact form I made.  The QR Code will take you to the form link below.  https://docupletionforms.com/formbuilder/forms/my-tiny-contact-form

Conditional Webhooks!


When somebody enters their information into your form, you can send CONDITIONAL WEBHOOKS to Zapier or anywhere else on the internet based on the conditions that you set.  Depending on how the people who submit your form answer your questions, different triggering webhooks will be sent to Zapier and Zapier will then trigger an action in any of the 2000+ programs as you determine in the Zap inside of your Zapier account.

  • You can ask people if they would like to also be added to your weekly email list when they leave you a contact form and if they click “yes” you can then send a CONDITIONAL WEBHOOK to Zapier to trigger the inclusion of a name and email in the email series program that you use.
  • You can send a CONDITIONAL WEBHOOK to FormStack Documents (formerly WebMerge) that will use the data entered into the form to automatically fill out a document.
  • You can add a contact in Clio.
  • You can add a Loop in DotLoop.
  • The list goes on.  There is no limit to the number of CONDITIONAL WEBHOOKS that you can send.

Zap from DocupletionForms to Slack via Zapier and make a channel message!

This is a really cool zap that will allow you to invite the people you want from your team to see the messages submitted via a specific contact form by zapping them to Slack via Zapier and using Slack to invite your Team Members!

1. Make a contact form. 

2. Create a Slack Channel to send messages to.

3. Connect to Zapier.

4. Select your Contact Form in your Zapier.

5. Select your Slack and the Slack Channel.  

6. Boom!  The Zap is done and messages will appear in your Slack.

7. Invite the team members you want to be able to see that Slack Channel.  

Rackspace Microsoft365 Reseller

We have added Rackspace’s Microsoft365 Business Partner Reseller Package to our upgraded subscription.  You set everything up inside of the program where it says “WHMCS” at the top of the menu bar.

We made Conditional Webhooks this year and are finishing our automatic document selection and completion utility functionality of the “Merge”

Our WordPress setup is automatic using WHMCS. 

We are finishing adding the CRM, Auto-Email.

After all of that we are finishing our Single Sign-On then our RetainerCrypto.Online Crypto Utility Token.

hidden fields for tracking

This is a simple 3-step instructional to show you how to setup a “hidden field” with a proper “label” and “alias” for tracking.  

  1. build a form with a hidden field and give an appropriate label name and set the alias to a proper term for tracking.
  2. add a ? followed by the alias, an = sign and then the tracking term.
  3. then when somebody submits a form like the one above, the submission will contain the term from after the = sign, in this example “turner”.



28 FREE Addons!

These Addons are all FREE!  We are working on making a set of Instructions for the Addons.  They are 100% FREE!  We are working on adding a CRM and an Automatic Email Series Functionality which are going to be a part of the $5 Monthly Subscription because you will be required to connect the Email Functionality to an outside SMTP (we recommend SendGrid.com) which will cost around $10-$15 Monthly, but it is a normal thing to need in the world of online integration.  After a while we are planning on making the same Email Functionality a part of what will become our $35 Monthly Subscription but with the additional option of using our PowerMTA Server so that you do not need an SMTP Server Subscription.  We will keep you posted as we make progress.

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