We will help you build your blog traffic!

We have a set of different services that will help you with your blog.  They all build off helping you target and position yourself in front of your segment niche audience.  Everybody has a niche that will be most beneficial to spend the most time and energy focusing on getting in front of.  We have a set of tools that we use to help you focus in and build an ongoing marketing strategy.  For us it all starts with figuring out what your capabilities are as an individual professional and/or small business and then looking at a top-down perspective of who you want your clients to be, who it makes sense in general to go after as a group.  Then we look at some competitors and what they are doing.  Last but definitely of utmost importance we look at the bottom-up numbers of what psychographic niche segments actually do in their purchasing behaviors.  We work to figure out what other targetable groups these same segment niche purchasers fit into so that we can narrow in where to position your social media posts and blog posts and how to approach your SEO.

***CLICK HERE to checkout our Simple $130 Blog Post Offer where we turn a 5-10 minute YouTube Video of you talking about any topic in which you have expertise.***

We will take your video, extract the transcript, proof for words that the AI might have picked up improperly, and then we edit the formatting of the wording into a nice-looking blog which can also be your YouTube Description.  Our main goal is to then get your Blog Post posted on some of your social media by you and then we send it to the Virtual Assistants with whom we contract and have them work on off-page SEO and Social Media tasks to drive traffic to your social media and Blog Page.  We roll little bits of market research into the cost and end up splitting the $Money you pay between research and VA work until we find a good niche for you and then we spend the majority of the $Money you pay us out to the VA group and help you build from there.

***CLICK HERE for instructions on how to signup to use our FREE Contact Form and also how to setup a $8 WordPress on cPanel and also a $5 Rackspace Email with the same Domain Name.***

AWS Whitepaper on WordPress

This is why we host our WordPress on AWS.  Read this little Whitepaper written by Amazon to see more of what can ultimately be done on AWS.  We usually help people get started with their WordPress sites (Signup for our Contact then click “WHMCS” to signup for $8 WordPress on your own cPanel) and then if you grow to a more complex level, you are already on AWS and can migrate to your own server without any real issues.

As always, if you want to learn more about WordPress Security, Checkout our growing list of videos you can access for FREE!  We purchased a license from a professional group to use their videos on WordPress Security on our site and the license requires us to charge money, so we set the price low at $1.

Make sure to take a look at our new Training Facebook Page: “Professional Document Automation & Integration Master’s Clinic Workshop” where we post daily content aimed at helping you as a Legal Document Related Industry Professional.

And of course we still have our Main Facebook Page.