We implemented a Deal.AI and so can you!

We setup an AI Suite of Tools in our subscription and it is really cool.  If you click here you can see the way we make the AI Suite of Tools available via our $15/month subscription and how to setup a Chatbot.

You can checkout the Deal.AI Business White Label that we use inside of our subscription via our Affiliate Link with them.  For just under $40/month and then $6/month per user, you can also sell AI.  Deal.AI is really popular right now.

We have a programmer who can do the same subscription management integration for you that she did for us in it’s basics.  You have to decide on the subscription management system and she is somebody who we recommend highly.  Just contact me at James@DocupletionForms.com if you are interested in setting up your own AI Reseller.

You can use a WordPress Subscription from us on your own cPanel on our Server for just $12/month and it comes with a Rackspace Email.  We love this stuff and would love to help you see how what we do has parts that you can really dig in and get into.  Checkout our Instructional Pages by clicking here.

AWS Whitepaper on WordPress

This is why we host our WordPress on AWS.  Read this little Whitepaper written by Amazon to see more of what can ultimately be done on AWS.  We usually help people get started with their WordPress sites (Signup for our Contact then click “WHMCS” to signup for $8 WordPress on your own cPanel) and then if you grow to a more complex level, you are already on AWS and can migrate to your own server without any real issues.

As always, if you want to learn more about WordPress Security, Checkout our growing list of videos you can access for FREE!  We purchased a license from a professional group to use their videos on WordPress Security on our site and the license requires us to charge money, so we set the price low at $1.

Make sure to take a look at our new Training Facebook Page: “Professional Document Automation & Integration Master’s Clinic Workshop” where we post daily content aimed at helping you as a Legal Document Related Industry Professional.

And of course we still have our Main Facebook Page.