Theme Manager

Docupletionforms has a tool that let you create themes that can be applied to a form to change their appearance, backgrounds, colors, text type, etc.

Create a Theme

Go to the Theme Manager, by clicking on Themes in the navigation bar. To create a theme, you must:

  1. Click on the Create Theme button
  2. The form to create a theme have 5 fields:
    • Name: The theme name
    • Description: A very brief description of the theme
    • Main Color: The hexadecimal value of a color to identify your theme
    • CSS: Must be a valid CSS
    • Created by: Defines the owner of this theme (Visible by Administrators only).
  3. Click Save

Note: You can select a Form in the Live Preview field to see how the theme applies to your form while you are editing the CSS field.

Edit a Theme

Go to the Theme Manager, by clicking on Themes in the navigation bar. To edit a theme, you must:

  1. Click the Actions button of the Theme to edit
  2. Click Update
  3. Make the changes you need
  4. Click Update

Delete a Theme

Go to the Theme Manager, by clicking on Themes in the navigation bar. To delete a theme, you must:

  1. Click the Actions button of the Theme to edit
  2. Click Delete
  3. A popup window will appear asking to confirm your delete theme decision
  4. Click OK

Note: When you delete a theme, all data related to it will be deleted too. This action cannot be undone.

Assign a Theme to another User

You can assign a theme to another user using the Theme Editor. To assign a theme, you must:

  1. Go to Themes -> Actions -> Update.
  2. In the ‘Created by‘ field, choose the username to which you want to transfer the theme.
  3. Click Update

Apply a Theme to the Form 

You can apply a theme to the form using the Form Manager. Go to this link to see the steps to take.