OVERVIEW – Differences Between Expert Marketing, Document & Law Systems.
The reason why an Expert Document System does not require as much explanation of the significance of the person filling out the questionnaire’s choices is because they have already chosen their path with respect to significance at law while navigating the portion of your overall system that consists of your Expert Law System. They are giving you the information you then need to make sure you do your work properly within your own internal system. The Client really only needs to know the significance of their choices with respect to the legal procedure they are choosing and the legal documents that choice indicates that they need to file.
You can leave an Expert Law System partially incomplete if you yourself have the Professional Right to then work as a Legal Document Assistant or as a Paralegal in the Employ of an Attorney or as an Attorney. If you are your own Independent Paralegal who takes a person’s legal case to a different Attorney depending on the situation, it is also lawful for you to use a not-complete Expert Law System because once you find an Attorney who agrees with the Client that they are going to establish an Attorney/Client Relationship and the Attorney is going to use you as the Independent Contractor Paralegal, any initial intake work done is then ratified by the Attorney. Otherwise you need to have a Complete Expert Law System that asks all of the questions that need to be asked to select and complete the documents and to choose the legal procedures.
These guidelines are consequent truths based on the fact that you have the right to express yourself via software, a Client has the right to seek out such expressions to help them in a legal situation. These guidelines are also consequent truths based on the principles behind the different State Laws prohibiting Unauthorized Practice of Law, Running and Capping as well as non-Attorney establishment of Attorney/Client Relationships. You can read more about these issues on my other blog www.ApexLawService.com.
Back to the main topic of this chapter. The difference between an Expert Document System and an Expert Law System. They aren’t simply arbitrary. It is really a matter of the law with respect to an Expert Law System and an Efficiency System with respect to an Expert Document System. A person interacting with an Expert Law System needs to know they are not establishing an Attorney Client Relationship by interacting with the system and that they are doing just that, interacting with an Automatic Expert Law System. A person who is simply giving you the information you need for your internal business documents and procedures does not need to know that. Industry by Industry you will see a different sliding continuum of hybridized systems that make sense. It really just depends on the industry.
An Expert Law System and an Expert Document System can be interconnected inside of the same system or they can be separate systems. You can make a very small decision by decision encoding of the Expert Law System that gives the Client the opportunity to select their legal procedure and documents and then give you the information needed to complete the procedure and documents. Then you can send them through a different system that asks a different set of questions for some more clerical and business procedural issues like payments etc. You can embed or place a link to your questionnaire that makes up your frontside of your Expert Law System and/or Expert Document System into any of these 3 basic systems.
You can sell a person on using your services using ClickFunnels, when they Opt-In by leaving their name and email, you can then take them to a “Thank You” page that has a button on it that says “Click Here to begin entering all of the information we need to complete your documents” and that can take them to your questionnaire. You can even just say, “Thank you for paying for our service, please fill out this questionnaire to the best of your ability so that we can begin working on your documents. We will contact you before we file anything, but want to get started before we call” and then embed the contact form into that page. Embedding like this is a really neat solution because a ClickFunnels Funnel Step is a URL itself, but the embedded DocupletionForms Contact Form with Conditional Logic can have multiple pages, and the pages themselves kind of cycle right there in the form on the same ClickFunnels URL and then the very last submit button can be designated to send people to any URL on the entire Internet. A cool URL type to send people to is then to a page on your WordPress that says, “Thank you for choosing us! Click below to see our Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. and make sure to like and follow.” and make those links new window links so people can see the social media pages, like them and still then return to your WordPress to read more of your articles and blogs, etc. that are on the WordPress. This is why we have included WordPress hosting inside of DocupletionForms.com on the “WHMCS” Menue Tab.